This educational video might help a bit for homeschoolers and other new-to-geography learners.
Curriculum in a Changing World
14 hours ago
A geographile is someone who really likes geography.
GoodMorning! Full Render #2 from blprnt on Vimeo.
GoodMorning! is a Twitter visualization tool that shows about 11,000 ‘good morning’ tweets over a 24 hour period, rendering a simple sample of Twitter activity around the globe. The tweets are colour-coded: green blocks are early tweets, orange ones are around 9am, and red tweets are later in the morning. Black blocks are ‘out of time’ tweets which said good morning (or a non-english equivalent) at a strange time in the day.
In 1996, for some reason, the shuttle flew over Sacramento on its way to Edwards.
It went over at the very crack of dawn, so I went outside a bit before that, wrapped in a blanket, and lay back on the sidewalk to wait.
Soon, in the dark east, a hot pink triangle materialized, and slid quickly overhead. I think it was pink from the heat. It was close enough to see that it was clearly a triangle, and clearly the shuttle, but I could see no details.
It moved silently over me, then disappeared into the equally pink sunrise to the east.
I wandered back into my apartment, curled up in bed, then as I was drifting off, the BOOM that you experienced rattled my window glass. I jumped out of my skin, and then burst into laughter.
It was honest joy.
I am a total shuttle-hugger, and that morning made among my most memorable space-related events.