The east coast of the United States is waking up to a world of snow today, after a record-breaking snowstorm.
A couple of people have posted a link to this image on twitter:
There have been no credits for it, nor precise locations, from what I can find. I'd love more information, both for credit and geographic specificity, if you know of any.
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Super cool!
Here's another.
Callan, that's cool! I didn't even see the bird feeder until snow landed on it, but I loved watching the birds and squirrels keep the ground clear underneath - for awhile, anyway!
I noticed that most of the cars in the image do not have a front license plate. That makes the most likely candidates Pennsylvania, Delaware, or West Virginia. Possibly Indiana or Kentucky. Those are the states in the snowfall area that only require one license plate.
California theoretically requires front plates, but it's not usually enforced. It's enforced in the other states?
Here's a video from the Baltimore area I ran across on Twitter:
I can narrow it down quite a bit.
Those are red-brick apartments and town homes, which screams Pentagon housing to me. These condominiums were built during the Second World War to house all the folks who worked in the Pentagon, and they're modeled after colonial-style homes like those in Old Town Alexandria (VA).
You'll also see similar architecture on military bases.
The presence of a willow oak center-right lends support for my hypothesis, since willow oaks are to government housing what live oaks are to UT-Austin.
For comparison, here's the townhouse I grew up in:,+VA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=50.244827,95.097656&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=4284+35th+St+S,+Arlington,+Virginia+22206&ll=38.831279,-77.087928&spn=0.000761,0.001451&t=h&z=20&lci=com.panoramio.all&layer=c&cbll=38.831291,-77.087967&panoid=Me9s5DS-kzn9Cjibia0pKg&cbp=12,216.01,,0,6.66
Additionally, the depth of snow suggests DC-area. Edward points out they don't have front license plates, but I can't really see for sure in the picture. In any case, you have lots of out-of-state license plates in the DC area, so it's not unexpected that a few should be missing front plates.
I would bet on Northern Virginia, but it could possibly be Maryland.
@Mary, I have a friend in NJ who was pulled over for having his front plate in his windshield until he could get the plate mount re-drilled. So, even though his plate was visible, he still got a ticket for it being in the wrong spot!
There are a lot of little red-brick apartment complexes scattered around NJ & eastern PA.
The architecture is also used for upscale college housing in the mid-atlantic region. Especially in/around Princeton.
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