Course, I could add google's translation.... "Landslides, mudslides, flooding, evacuations and road traffic crashes is emergency in Calabria, after days of incessant rain. Cosentino, vibonese e catanzarese le zone più colpite dall'ondata di maltempo, che ha lasciato sul terreno danni ingenti. Cosenza, Catanzaro and Vibo Valentia areas hardest hit by the wave of bad weather, which left widespread damage on the ground. Hanno dovuto lasciare le loro case, per la minaccia di smottamenti alcune famiglie a Mendicino (Cosenza) ea Gimigliano (Catanzaro), mentre proprio alle porte del capoluogo di regione, a Germaneto, i tecnici del Comune e della Protezione civile stanno valutando la necessità di procedere allo sgombero di altre 30 famiglie da alcune abitazioni minacciate da un nuovo fronte franoso che ha già reso impraticabile una strada. They had to leave their homes by the threat of landslides, some families in Mendicino (Cosenza) and Gimigliano (Catanzaro), while at the very gates of the capital region, Germaneto, the technicians of the City and Civil Defense are assessing the need for proceed with the evacuation of 30 other families from households threatened by a new front landslide that has already made a road impassable."
My friend's take is "This is in Calabria but commentator said there were smaller slides in Sicily as well. Plenty of swear words, but mostly they were insisting that everyone get outside. "Look at how it's moving. Incredible. Run! Crazy!" At the end the reporters were talking about how they (and we) had watched as it happened and listened as the residents reacted. Fire dept had arrived and were checking for people, but no one seemed left inside the buildings."
I collect natural history, environmental, and geography books, almost compulsively. I look for used versions where I can (to save paper) but also appreciate that many of these books come out in runs of a few thousand copies, and aren't profit-makers for the publishing companies, so when they come out new, I buy them while they're new. If you like Geographile and want to let me know, please either comment on my posts, or visit my Powell's wishlist to feed my book collection. You might find books you like there, too.
I am a middle-aged geographilic student and writer. You can find me on Twitter as @geographile (mostly geographilic feed/retweets/info) and @mactavish (more personal, still science-oriented).
Is it even "news"? I don't see anything in a Google News search about it. But the video was posted on YouTube only today! So what gives?
Dang, it's so impressive, isn't it? I can't get over how it ... just ... keeps ... flowing ... for minutes ... on ... end ... !
A friend of mine who knows some of the Calabrese dialect says, "Holy crap. The loud guy is speaking Calabrese. What I get is 'it's coming down! Holy Mother! Move, you crazy fools!'"
Googling finally, after lots of guessing, got me this far:
Course, I could add google's translation....
"Landslides, mudslides, flooding, evacuations and road traffic crashes is emergency in Calabria, after days of incessant rain. Cosentino, vibonese e catanzarese le zone più colpite dall'ondata di maltempo, che ha lasciato sul terreno danni ingenti. Cosenza, Catanzaro and Vibo Valentia areas hardest hit by the wave of bad weather, which left widespread damage on the ground. Hanno dovuto lasciare le loro case, per la minaccia di smottamenti alcune famiglie a Mendicino (Cosenza) ea Gimigliano (Catanzaro), mentre proprio alle porte del capoluogo di regione, a Germaneto, i tecnici del Comune e della Protezione civile stanno valutando la necessità di procedere allo sgombero di altre 30 famiglie da alcune abitazioni minacciate da un nuovo fronte franoso che ha già reso impraticabile una strada. They had to leave their homes by the threat of landslides, some families in Mendicino (Cosenza) and Gimigliano (Catanzaro), while at the very gates of the capital region, Germaneto, the technicians of the City and Civil Defense are assessing the need for proceed with the evacuation of 30 other families from households threatened by a new front landslide that has already made a road impassable."
My friend's take is "This is in Calabria but commentator said there were smaller slides in Sicily as well. Plenty of swear words, but mostly they were insisting that everyone get outside. "Look at how it's moving. Incredible. Run! Crazy!" At the end the reporters were talking about how they (and we) had watched as it happened and listened as the residents reacted. Fire dept had arrived and were checking for people, but no one seemed left inside the buildings."
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